Revisiting Your Favorite Spots With Legal Graffiti

Travel back again and again.
Travel back again and again.

Do you have that one place you wish you could travel back to again and again? There’s just something about it that keeps you coming back, and each time you visit things just click. The only obstacle is time – so many places to go and people to see, so you don’t make a point of getting back there as much as you would like. Places change and evolve over time, sometimes more quickly than we realize, so each time you do make it back to that magical place, for better or worse, it won’t be quite the same. Maybe the magic is still there, but new and different this time, or maybe the place you know and love is starting to slip away. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to hold onto that energy you felt when you first visited it, again and again?

We know that feeling of being torn between places and the nostalgia that sometimes creeps in like an itch you can’t scratch. While we can’t stretch time or help you to be in two places at once, we can give you a place where you can go back and visit your favorite destinations again and again with Legal Graffiti. Wander through the digital renderings of that familiar place and see how others are interacting with it. Remember what inspired you about it and watch how it’s changing and growing while you aren’t there. It’s your own little time machine that you can bring with you wherever and you go. So keep on revisiting your favorite spots and reliving experiences past with our app! 

Weekly theme: Revisiting and Re-experiencing

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